After stepping into the shoes of a filmmaker for the first time, B-town actor Tusshar Kapoor admits that he is not competing with his sister, filmmaker Ekta Kapoor. Tusshar has co-produced his next film 'Chaar Din Ki Chandni' along with filmmaker Samir Karnik. Tusshar plays the male lead in the upcoming romcom along with actor Kulraj Randhawa.
Tusshar says that his ideas and thoughts differ from his sister and that's the reason Tusshar has not even asked for his sister's
help in his debut production venture. Apparently, Tusshar appreciated Ekta's marketing strategy and admits that he would take his sister's help in his film's marketing, too.
Meanwhile, Tusshar has also come forward with a decision that he would only produce those movies where he would also act. Tusshar is now waiting for his film's release and if the film does well at box-office Tusshar might produce more films in future.
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