Actress Sneha who returned back to the shooting after her marriage with long-time boyfriend. During her recent shoot for of her forthcoming Tamil film 'Haridas' , Sneha has faced a near death experience.
While the unit of 'Haridas' was filming a song shoot on the Rameshwaram island, a giant wave hit the boat and turned it upside down. Sneha was rescued and sent to the shores in another life boat. Director Kumaravelu who don't know how to swim has to hold on to the boat and Cinematographer Ratnavelu kept on swimming till some local fisherman rescued them.
The unit had a lucky escape and it took some time for Sneha to get back to normal mode. Although the director came up with a proposal of postponing shoot for few days looking at the actress's condition, she insisted to complete the schedule. Sneha has won the hearts with her commitment and dedication to work!
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