Stylishstar Allu Arjun made debut as an actor way before Ram Charan made his. Allu Arjun had already done more than six films by the time Charan entered the field. Despite having excellent dancing skills and proving to be a decent actor, Allu Arjun failed to deliver big hits. He tasted success as a hero but failed to make it to the big league.
Meanwhile Ram Charan has rewritten the history of Telugu cinema with his second movie itself. Arjun tried to attract the mass audiences to improve his range as a hero during this period. But somehow his films didn't click at the box office. Debacles like Varudu and Badrinath pushed him on the back foot. At the same time Charan failed to deliver with a romantic feel good movie Orange. Hence he immediately switched genres and tried Racha.
With Racha, Ram Charan has once again proved that he could be one of the biggest stars in current day Telugu cinema. He is a true heir of Mega star and Racha's success proved that mega fans first votes go to Charan when compared to Arjun. From this point, Allu Arjun has to be careful in building his career. He has huge competition from his own compound itself. So Arjun will have to impress fans and audience with innovative films like Arya and make his own way to stardom. It seems tough, but Bunny should already be on his way with Julayi.
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