More than 'Cycle' emblem and Mulayam's charisma, his son's hard work has paid off in the elections, say Uttar Pradesh's Samajwadi Party cadre. Akhilesh Yadav is instrumental in engineering SP to sweep the elections with a roaring triumph.
The other day, Telugudesam party in the state had equated the poll results of UP to AP before saying that people will give them throne this time. Party president Chandrababu stated that people of AP will also vote for 'cycle' here and slaps the ruling congress government with their verdict. The immediate question that rises in one's mind is that will Nara Lokesh, CBs son, will take the party reigns to steer TDP for a sounding win like Mulayam's son.
Till now, Lokesh never went hand-in-hand with the active politics though there is a need of young generation to take up the state politics. If Lokesh too can handle the party's campaigning and cadre like what Akhilesh has done in UP, TDP may see some sparkles in the future. Responding on the debate, Chandrababu said 'Let him do his work. Please don't drag anyone into unnecessary debates'. So, for now, Lokesh's entry into mainstream politics is on pause!
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