Malayalam actor Jagathy Sreekumar, who is undergoing treatment for injuries sustained in a car crash on Saturday morning is showing signs of improvement. However, the doctor says that Jagathy is still not completely out of danger.
Jagathy Sreekumar sustained multiple injuries after the car in which he was travelling met with an accident at Thenjipalam, near Calicut, in the wee hours of Saturday morning. Jagathy was on his way to Coorg for the shooting of Lenin Rajendran’s film Edavapathi.
As per the doctor, Jagathy Sreekumar's condition continues to be critical even though he has been responding to treatment. "The condition of Sreekumar is stable. He is holding on and responding to medicines well and that is a good sign," Dr Abdulla Cheriakkat, Managing Director of Malabar Institute of Medical Sciences where the actor was admitted after the accident involving his car yesterday, told reporters. However, the 61-year old actor, who suffered multiple injuries in chest, abdomen, legs, would continue to remain on ventilator support for another 48 hours, he said.
Jagathy Sreekumar underwent an abdomen surgery on Saturday to arrest internal bleeding. Dr Cheriakkat said Sreekumar's blood pressure had shown fluctuations last evening causing some concern, but it had stabilised. A CT scan of brain revealed there was no bleeding. However, kidney functioning has been impaired since the muscles in the abdomen were damaged. The actor also suffered damage to muscles in the legs, neck and chest, he said. The hospital was making all efforts to contain any complications expected due to the multiple injuries, he added.
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