Veteran actor Shabana Azmi is delighted to work once again with filmmaker Vishal Bharadwaj after their 2002 kiddie film 'Makdee' where she played the role of a witch. The yesteryear actor would now play a corrupt politician in Vishal Bharadwaj's forthcoming project 'Matru Ki Bijlee Ka Mandola' that also features Anushka Sharma, Imran Khan and Naseeruddin Shah. The national award winning actor had earlier played a politician in Vinay Shukla's 'Godmother'.
Shabana is looking forward for the movie for two major reasons as this film reunites the actor with filmmaker Bharadwaj and actor Naseeruddin Shah. Shabana stated that Vishal Bharadwaj has grown as a talented filmmaker from 'Makdee'. The film would be shot in interior parts of Haryana and Shabana is preparing hard to put her best for the upcoming film. The 61-year-old actor was recently conferred upon the title of Padma Bhushan by the Government of India for her contribution to Indian Cinema.
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