Bollywood actor Salman Khan appeared in double role in David Dhawan's 'Judwaa'. The 47-year-old superstar would now again appear in double role for Anees Bazmee's forthcoming venture 'No Entry Mein Entry'. The film is a sequel to 2005 comedy flick 'No Entry'. Before leaving for Cuba to shoot his another film 'Ek Tha Tiger' Salman had a meeting with Bazmee to discuss the script of the upcoming project. Apparently, things were not well between Bazmee and Salman. Salman was earlier not keen to feature in the sequel due to his personal differences with the filmmaker.
However, thanks to producer Boney Kapoor who took the initiative to play peacemaker between the director and actor, Salman has now given a nod to the film and is excited with the idea of appearing in double roles. Salman even suggested his look in the upcoming film to the director. Currently, Salman is busy with YRF's 'Ek Tha Tiger' and later in March he will start shooting for 'Dabangg 2'.
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