Bollywood actor Priyanka Chopra seems to have good time working with south star Ileana D'Cruz for Anurag Basu's upcoming directorial venture 'Barfee'. Earlier, reports suggested that there were cat-fights between Priyanka and Ileana. However Piggy is now clarifying that things are well on both the sides. 'Hung out with ileana yest..she was shooting next door,had such a good time in barfi..all the kids on my set were going crazy seeing her!cute(sic).' posted Priyanka on micro-blogging site Twitter. Apparently, Piggy Chops tweeted this just to make sure that no one thinks
that there is any animosity brewing with the two leading ladies of 'Barfee' that also features Ranbir Kapoor.
Priyanka has essayed a role of a mentally challenged girl in the upcoming movie, for which the 'Agneepath' star even visited few mental asylums to learn more about her character. Piggy Chops is currently shooting for Hrithik Roshan's most ambitious project 'Krrish 3'.
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