Bollywood actor Sonam Kapoor admits that she is pretty much single and is not seeing anyone. In the past, Sonam was linked with her debut film 'Saawariya's co-star Ranbir Kapoor. Later, she was in news for dating director Puneet Malhotra of ‘I Hate Luv Storys’ fame. Currently, the 'Aisha' actor is claiming to be enjoying her singlehood.
Lately, actor Deepika Padukone also broke up with liquor baron Siddharth Mallya and since then rumors are doing round that Sonam is the reason for the couple's break-up as Sid had earlier admitted his
fondness towards the 'Players' actor. Meanwhile, Sonam was recently quizzed to speak out whether she is seeing Jr. Mallya to which she funnily refuted the rumors saying that she is not dating anyone. 'I'm hearing the funniest rumors about myself! In thailand and all I can say is I'm on the floor laughing.' posted Sonam on micro-blogging site Twitter.
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