Reportedly, actor Priyanka Chopra has always taken a 'No Comments' stance whenever she was asked anything to say about her relation with Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan. However, now the dusky beauty has come forward to elaborate more on the topic.
Apparently, the 30-year-old actor in an interview to a leading daily spoke about how much the Srk rumors has affected her. The 'Andaaz' debutant stated that she is
unfazed with the goss she reads in newspapers about her. Piggy Chops added that she feels bad when she discovers any such news. However, PC also admitted that she has never hidden anything from the media and in future too, she won't be doing it.
The '7 Khoon Maaf' star also made one thing clear that these rumors won't affect her and given an opportunity she would again feature opposite King Khan. On the other hand, Srk has maintained a dignified silence over the entire issue from beginning.
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