Hats off to B-town's dusky beauty Deepika Padukone who is comfortably sharing great rapports with her ex-flames model turned actor Nihar Pandya, Bollywood actor Ranbir Kapoor and Liquor baron Vijay Mallya's son Siddharth Mallya. Reportedly, the leggie lass has earlier dated these boys but still she is continuing to be good friends with her ex-lovers. Currently, the 24-year-old is working with Ranbir for their upcoming romantic flick 'Yeh Jawani Hai Deewani'. Meanwhile, she is also unfazed by getting spotted with Siddharth and roams with him hand in hand publicly.
Recent buzz going around is that now the 'Desi Boyz' actor has shifted her attention to her very first lover Nihar Pandya. The ex-flames were dating since their modeling days and even did quite a few music videos together.
However, Deepika got her big break from filmmaker Farah Khan for 'Om Shanti Om' while Nihar's career came to a standstill and later Deepika moved on. However, the ex-lovebirds have always been in touch with each other and are now hitting rumor mills through their re-union.
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