Reportedly, makers of ‘Saheb, Biwi Aur Gangster’ claimed that they roped in actor Neil Nitin Mukesh for their forthcoming sequel of the original. Later, rumors went round claiming director Tigmanshu Dhulia overthrew Neil from his project. Well now, the ‘New York’ star has another story to tell as he has now rubbished all the reports of being shown the doors by filmmaker. Instead Neil asserts saying that he himself opted out of the project as he has earlier essayed quite a few negative roles in his career.
Neil also stated that the role he was offered was same as he played in Vishal Bharadwaj’s ‘7 Khoon Maaf’. However, the ‘Players’ actor was in no mood to repeat it yet again and happily opted out of the project by giving the same reason to the filmmaker.
Meanwhile, Irrfan Khan’s name has been zeroed on by Dhulia to star in his film. However, nothing has yet officially been declared from the side of the filmmaker as well as the actor. Meanwhile, film’s lead actor Mahie Gill and Randeep Hooda would play Biwi and Gangster repectively.
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