It’s a known fact that Bollywood’s critically and commercially acclaimed actor Ranbir Kapoor has been shooting for his forthcoming film ‘Barfee’ with full vengeance. He has been leaving no stones unturned as he has given his sweat and blood to the film where he plays the character of a dumb and mute small time crook. Ranbir who is currently on award picking spree for his performance in ‘Rockstar’ stunned the locals of Kolkata while shooting for ‘Barfee’. As he plays a small time con in the film there were several chase and run sequences to be shot in densely populated area.
These were the tricky scenes as managing the local crowd and getting the expected reactions from them was not a cakewalk. But Ranbir along with director Anurag Basu made sure that they got the desired results without much fuss. They decided to break in the people without informing them.
Hence they shot with hidden cameras and Ranbir was asked to perform his stint as spontaneously and as naturally as possible. In this way they not only shot amongst the crowd smoothly but also got the natural expressions from people as the locals were stunned to see Ranbir trying to elope from police in public places.
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