Filmmaker Ashwini Chaudhary's directorial venture 'Jodi Breakers' from beginning was surrounded by the controversy of plagiarism. Makers of Hollywood French film 'Heartbreakers' had sued the Bollywood film for copying their film. Lately, the film was shown to the Hollywood filmmakers and the makers have clearly passed the movie without any objections.
Filmmaker Chaudhary has succeeded in convincing the Hollywood filmmakers that both the films are way different except for
the titles of the film. Meanwhile, lead actors Bipasha Basu and R. Madhavan are also happy that their film would now release without any hurdles.
'Jodi Breakers' is a wicked romantic comedy flick that also features Omi Vaidya, Dipannita Sharma and Milind Soman in crucial roles. The film is about to hit the silver screen by February 24.
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