Bollywood actor Vidya Balan feels that she is getting challenging and bold roles post the success of her blockbuster hit film 'The Dirty Picture'. The actor who recently completed shooting for her 'Lavani' item song number in Vidhu Vinod Chopra's next 'Ferrari Ki Sawari' feels that her transformation from an actor to item girl is a result of her bold portrayal in Milan Luthria's film.
The actor in her last flick sizzled to hit numbers like 'Naak Mukka' and
'Ooohhhlalalala' and according to the actor the two songs served as prime reason for her to bag an item role in Chopra's next. Vidya in her recent media interaction revealed that she is a bad dancer but somehow managed to groove on the tunes of the item song after filmmaker Chopra convinced her to do so.
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