Unlike lady love Kareena Kapoor who finds romantic flicks more interesting, actor Saif Ali Khan admits that it is the action genre that excites him more. Saif in his recent media interaction admitted that though he has delivered romantic hits like 'Love Aaj Kal' and 'Hum Tum' in the past but it was always action films that excited the actor most. Saif is currently on whirlwind
promoting his forthcoming spy thriller production venture 'Agent Vinod' along with his lady love Kareena Kapoor.
The 41-year-old actor is also gearing up for Abbas-Mustan's upcoming action thriller flick 'Race 2'. Saif is upbeat about his upcoming flick that if the film does wonders at box-office, actor might plan a sequel of the film. Meanwhile, Saif does not want his audience to get distracted from his film with the rumors of his marriage with Kareena.
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