Challenging star Darshan, Kichcha Sudeep, Lovely star Premkumar, simple star Ajay Rao, hat trick director Prem, Mahesh Babu, V Harikrishna, Chiranjeevi Sarja, Hamsalekha, Indrajith Lankesh made it to the audio release evening with Chancery Pavilion Bhasker Raju, producer CMR Shanker Reddy, Shankre Gowda, Yogish son of Dwarakish were also present on the dais with parents of Arjun at audio release of ‘Addhuri’ Kannada cinema by Ambari
super hit film director Arjun for producer CMR Shanker Reddy was not very grand to support the title.
Sudeep sensible as ever disclosed like how Chiranjeevi Sarja is like his brother Dhruv Sarja is similar to his family. Harikrishna means good songs and no doubt about it. Let Dhru become strong in Kannada filmdom blessed Sudeep.
Challenging star Darshan lauded the lyrical strength of Ambari Arjun director of Addhuri. One sentiment song of Arjun is top class in ‘Thangigaagi’ and he wrote remaining songs for the film said Darshan.
In the presence of bigwigs Dhruva Sarja was not nervous. He felt lucky for such a grand attendance to his first film audio release. I have done stunts naturally and fell from 65 feet height. I was in hospital for day. Producer Shanker Reddy was coming to spot for two minutes and he was Gayab for two months mentioned Dhruv.
Elder brother Chiranjeevi Sarja feeling pride on his younger brother Dhruv performance from the rushes stated that he wanted to do this film. Later it went to Dhruv. From the rushes I came to know why it went to Dhruv. I would not have done justice to this role he admitted.
Radhika Pandit heroine of the film was busy in shooting of her ‘Sagar’ cinema could not make it to the audio release of her film.
Anand Audio has released the album to the market. Three songs are sung by music director V Harikrishna. His wife Smt Vani has lent voice for one song in ‘Addhuri’.
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