Remember Nikhil Dwivedi who featured in superstar Shah Rukh Khan's production house’s film 'My Name is Anthony Gonsalves' opposite Amrita Rao. However, inspite of working with SRK, the actor has not yet got recognition in film industry and is awaiting a good offer. Currently, Nikhil is working on Bharat Ratan's upcoming directorial venture 'Tamanchey' that is based on real love story of gangster Abu Salem and film actor Monica Bedi.
Apparently, the actor has changed life of a spot boy from his upcoming flick.
Reportedly, Nikhil noticed the hidden talent in the spot boy and requested his director to his audition. Later, the director took the spot boy's audition and hired him for a crucial role in the film. Since then the spot boy is going gaga over the actor.
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