Super star Ajay Devgn has been on a roll since quite some years now. In an industry where the Khans, Kumars, Kapoors are hogging headlines more for their controversies than work, there is Ajay who just lets his work do the talking. And regardless of his tight schedule he readily shot for an additional song for his film ‘Tezz’ which he had completed.
He was currently busy shooting for two of his major films ‘Bol Bachchan’ and ‘Son of Sardar’ when ‘Tezz’s producer Ratan Jain approached him for the song. Though it was very difficult for him to take out time for the song he readily agreed to do it and assured the producer that he would manage to take the time out for the song. The track is sung by Mohit Chauhan and apparently Ajay himself is quite impressed with it.
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