Bollywood actor Abhishek Bachchan is praises for his upcoming flick 'Dhoom 3's co-star and actor Aamir Khan. The film is about to go on floors by March. Meanwhile, Abhishek who had essayed the role of a cop in the film's first two installments would be reprising his role. On the other hand, Aamir would be playing a negative role which was earlier essayed by John Abraham and Hrithik Roshan. Bolly hottie Katrina Kaif would play Aamir's love interest. Actors Rimi Sen and Uday Chopra would reprise their roles. In his recent
media interaction, Abhishek revealed that it has been a great privilege to work with one of the finest actors of Bollywood addressing to Aamir Khan.
Apparently, Abhishek has grown fond of Aamir as he has grown up watching the actor's movies. This would be the first time that Abhishek would be sharing screen space with Aamir.
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