Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan recently launched his most ambitious project Agent Vinod’s first look. Apparently, Saif’s girlfriend and his film’s leading lady Kareena Kapoor skipped the event and was busy shooting for Chevrolet’s Apsara Awards.
Saif was present along with his director Sriram Raghavan and other cast of the film. Naturally, Saif had to face several questions of media about the reason behind Kareena’s absence from the event.
Initially, Saif asserted saying that Kareena had made prior commitments and that’s the reason she didn’t turn up. Later, Saif added that Kareena is an important part of the film and her absence was disappointing.
Meanwhile, Saif also gave a diplomatic reason for Kareena’s absence that he will never use his relation as a tool for his upcoming film. The chemistry between them is striking hot and Saif is confident about it. However, he does not want to use it for film’s publicity.
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