Few years back Actor Ameesha Patel declined Pritish Nandy’s ‘Chameli’ reasoning that she felt uncomfortable while portraying a role of a sex-worker and later Kareena Kapoor took over the role and even bagged several awards for it. Later, Ameesha realized on what she had missed at that time and that’s the reason the ‘Humraaz’ actor has now given a nod to David Dhawan’s film where she would essay the role of a prostitute.
Ameesha asserted saying that her role would be more on the funny side as the film is of comedy genre. The 36-year-old actor later added saying that she would be playing a high profile escort. Ameesha admitted that she has very well prepared for her role now.
Meanwhile, Ameesha is confident about filmmaker David Dhawan that he would try to bring out the best in her. The star cast of film has not yet been finalized and even the film is yet untitled.
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