Bollywood’s dusky beauty Bipasha Basu’s super sexy avatar as a ‘Bikini babe’ in ‘Players’ must’ve had failed to garner commercial success for her film. But she is not disappointed as she has a brighter future to look upon. The actress is super excited for her upcoming film ‘Jodi Breakers’ in which she has a song named after her. The film has a special dance number which has been named after Bipasha and the actress says that she is totally in awe of it. The lyrics of the film are “Aaja main sikha doon tujhe mein pyar ki bhaasha, Bipasha, Bipasha!!!”
“I totally loved the song, I believe in love and the lyrics of the song are just perfectly in sync with my name ‘Bipasha’ which means ‘deep, dark, desire’. Also music composers Salim-Suleiman rocked it. I made my family members and friends listen to it and everyone loved it,” said Bipasha. She had to sport a lean look for it and she confessed that she was on a special diet in order to get the perfect frame for that song.
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