Ex-Miss Universe and Bollywood actress Lara Dutta yesterday delivered a baby girl in Mumbai’s renowned Lilavati Hospital. Lara who tied the knot with Mahesh Bhupathi last year proudly announced the arrival of his daughter to the world. “IT'S A GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! @Dutta- Lara. I Love u....” wrote the proud father on Twitter soon after Lara delivered the baby girl. Both the mother and the baby are in the pink of their health. Lara had delivered the baby within an hour in the labour ward.
Though it is heard that to avoid complications doctors opted for a caesarean operation instead of a normal delivery. Nevertheless there were no complications further and the operation went off successfully. Just a couple of hours before entering the hospital, the then heavily pregnant Lara Dutta had visited the big bash that was thrown in Oprah Winfrey’s honor recently. Lara had got hitched to Mahesh in a private ceremony on 16th February 2011 after dating him for over a year. The couple after the official ceremony also had a traditional wedding in Goa.
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