Mahesh Babu’s Pongal release Businessman has set a new record for opening week. It has surpassed Dookudu and has set a new benchmark for the first week collections. First week worldwide share of Businessman is around Rs. 30 crore.
Producers have released a press statement that it collected over 40 crore share in the first week, but that is just a bloated up figure. Expectedly, Businessman has
considerably slowed down after one week. The collections have come down in most of the centers and that is understandable for such a huge release.
Trade pundits expect the film to join the 40 crore club in full run. Chances are unlikely for it to beat Dookudu. But it will end up as the third best hit of Telugu film industry with Magadheera and Dookudu at 1 and 2 positions respectively.
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