Not even a week has passed and the names for the upcoming season of reality show, Bigg Boss have already tossed on. Recent buzz going round is that the makers of the show have approached winner Juhi Parmar’s hubby, Sachin Shroff to participate in the sixth season of the show. However, neither the makers of the show, nor the couple, Juhi and Sachin has made any confirmation on their side.
Interestingly, just few moments after the
finale, Juhi got into media interaction where the telly star revealed that her hubby Sachin is likely to be on the sixth season of the show. However, Juhi was all praises for her hubby and admitted that her husband has more patience then she has and he will do a better job than her.
Even, show’s host, Salman Khan has shown a keen interest in hosting next season of the reality show.
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