It seems actor Sonu Sood has become a close favorite of superstar, Salman Khan. Arbaaz Khan announced sequel of his 2010 blockbuster hit ‘Dabangg’ last year. However, the actor turned filmmaker finalized his brother Salman as the lead and cropped out negative role of Sonu Sood in the sequel. Arbaaz reasoned that the script does not allow Sonu to be cast in the negative role once again and roped in South star, Prakash Raj for Villain’s role.
However, disappointed Sonu decided to opt out the film. Interestingly, Salman feels that Sonu is the integral part of ‘Dabangg’ franchise as his role; ‘Chhedi Singh’ was as memorable as ‘Chulbul Pandey’ was. Meanwhile, Salman Khan in front of his brother Arbaaz Khan in his recent birthday bash approached Sonu to be the part of the sequel. Sonu who was keen to play the part is now more excited as he had won many accolades for his grey character in the film. ‘Dabangg 2’ is scheduled for December 2012 release.
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