Bollywood’s dusky beauty Bipasha Basu was recently gung ho on celebrating her 33rd birthday that she celebrated just a few days back. She had then quoted that she was excited for her birthday bash which she was slated to celebrate with close friends and family. However her private birthday party was put up for public view when it was leaked on line recently. Some trouble maker recorded the private moments and released the video on line where Bipasha was seen having a jolly time in company of her filmy and non filmy friends. Nonetheless Bipasha was upset that her private moments were publicized by some hooligans.
“Jst bcoz v r actors doesn't mean v r nt entitled 2 our privacy! These troublemakers shld jst get more productive with their time!” tweeted Bipasha. She further revealed that the incident had left her upset, “I'm still in shock tht my privacy hs been invaded! These were pvt moments frm my bday tht were leaked n m very upset!” added Bips.
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