Bollywood current hit machine Emraan Hashmi has been in the industry since quite some years now but it was only in recent times that his super power has been ruling the roots. He was earlier only recognized for his love making scenes and lip locks that got him the immediate recognition. Nevertheless since last few days he has done some critically and commercially successful films. But Emraan says that though his stature has changed his preference hasn’t. “It was always about great scripts. For instance from the very first day of ‘The Dirty Picture’ I knew what
was the size and duration of the role. Still, despite a relatively shorter role, I found the film very intriguing” said Emraan. He says that he is happy that despite of the relatively small role in ‘TDP’ the impact of it was huge on audience.
“I guess sometimes what is seen less creates more impact and that was the case with ‘The Dirty Picture’. Presence of my character Abraham was always felt and there was a certain persona that was created. It was just spot on” he added.
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