Though she has kept many filmmakers on hold by not signing any Bollywood offers, she has been kind towards the commercial offers that have come her way. She has accepted a couple of brand endorsement deals and yet again she has been signed as the face of a campaign by a leading dental brand. She has been signed as the Chief Smile Officer for ‘Smile India Campaign’ and claims that she is extremely happy to be associated with something that has always given her recognition. True to her words, she has always been praised for
her smile. And guess what the evergreen beauty is proud with that compliment. “I have always been appreciated for my smile ever since I joined films and people have appreciated me for that. My fan base says that the best thing about you is your smile, and I felt this was a nice way to give back,” said Madhuri.
On joining the campaign, she gave further reasoning “I always spread smiles for the country wherever I go. But I want other people to do that more often. That's why I have associated with this smile movement” added Madhuri.
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