Bollywood actor Kareena Kapoor has already started unfolding her marriage plans with beau-actor Saif Ali Khan. Reportedly, soon to be bride Kareena Kapoor has ordered a necklace worth Rs.40 lakhs for her wedding day. Sources close to the ‘Bodyguard’ star reveal that the necklace is almost like a full top, lengthening from neck to waist. Well this shall not sound surprising as Bebo’s wedding affair would be classier as it is hugely awaited from a very long period.
Bebo and Saif were earlier supposed to tie the knot by last year end but they had to cancel their wedding plans due to sudden demise of Saif’s father Mansoor Ali Pataudi. Later reports suggested that the duo would marry each other by February but again the plans were dropped as Bebo had prior commitments and even Saif was busy with his production venture ‘Agent Vinod’. However, the couple has now confirmed that they will be tying the knot once their upcoming flick ‘Agent Vinod’ hits the theatres.
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