Bollywood actor Hrithik Roshan is overwhelmed with the great audience response he is witnessing for his latest release ‘Agneepath’. In his recent media interaction Hrithik was asked about how he felt while stepping into the shoes of the legendary Amitabh Bachchan to which the 38-year-old actor contradicted by saying that his film is unique and fresh and he would not want any comparisons. He further added that ‘Agneepath’ is a homage, a tribute to Mr.Bachchan from himself and filmmaker Karan Johar. Hrithik pleaded his fans to eradicate the thought from their minds that they are watching a remake, while watching his ‘Agneepath’.
Meanwhile, Hrithik also appreciated his co-stars Priyanka Chopra and Sanjay Dutt’s acting in the film. Hrithik is now geared up for his forthcoming flick ‘Krrish 3’ in which he will be essaying role of a superhero protagonist. The film also features Priyanka Chopra, Vivek Oberoi and Kangna Ranaut.
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