Film maker Vishal Bhardwaj at an inaugural function of a lawn tennis court, officially declared that he will pen down a script for Tennis player, Leander Paes. Vishal is very much impressed by the tennis star’s performance in the tennis court and is confident that he will make it big in movies too.
Leander is also making his bollywood debut through Ashok Kohli’s ‘Rajdhani Express’. The movie stars Leander Paes and Paresh Rawal in the lead. Leander took acting workshops for his role in the movie. On reacting to the ‘Saath Khoon Maaf’ director’s decision for writing a script for him, Tennis star reveals that he will be very happy to work with the great film maker.
Leander Paes was in news for his alleged affair with Bollywood actor, Mahima Chaudhary. But things did not work out well and the tennis star and actor broke up after which Leander married Rhea Pillai and the duo are now parenting a daughter.
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