The audio of Vikram starrer Rajapattai was launched in a grand manner on Friday. Directed by Suseenthiran, the movie stars Vikram, Deeksha Seth and Vishwanath in lead roles with music by Yuvan Shankar Raja.
The who's who of Tamil cinema was present at the launch. Speaking on the occasion, Yuvan said, ' it is a pleasure to work with Vikram for the first time, though we had known each other for a longtime'.
On his part, Vikram said, 'I have done a pucca commercial entertainer after Dhil, Dhool and Samy in Rajapattai.
The whole credit goes to my director and my team of stars'.
On his part Suseenthiran said Vikram appears in 18 get-ups and he did what he wanted him on screen. All has come good'.
The songs were played and a group of dancers shook their legs for it.
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