Shah Rukh Khan time and again has claimed to be a book worm. He at many occasions has publicly advised the teenagers and kids to engage in the habit of reading instead of playing computer and video games. And as they say ‘Charity begins at home’ Shahrukh too follows the similar pattern. He recently gifted a book series based on the classic owners of Sherlock Holmes to his son Aryan.
Apparently the teenaged Aryan a few days back had urged his father to get him the series of the aforementioned classic stories.
And Shah Rukh a self acclaimed book lover eagerly and readily gifted the series to his son. He has always quoted that he has tried to instill reading habits in his kids as according to him nothing apart from knowledge can make anyone more powerful.
SRK had once stated that he carries almost 3000 books on his i-pad and laptop. He claims that he has a penchant for reading and can ready anything to everything.
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