If the sources are to be believed, Jagapathi Babu is going to play a special role in Venkatesh’s new film to be directed by Meher Ramesh. This is for the first time both Venky and Jagapathi are acting together in a film. Meanwhile, Jagapathi Babu is also acting in a bi-lingual film titled Thandavam which has Chiyyan Vikram in the lead role.
This untitled film will be produced by Paruchuri Prasad under United Movies banner. Richa Gangopadhyaya is playing heroine of the film. The script of the film is penned by Kona Venkat and Gopi Mohan. The film will hit the floors sometime in January.
Venkatesh’s coming soon film Bodyguard is all set to hit the screens on January 12 worldwide. The audio released recently received positive buzz from the audience. There are lot of expectations on this film among fans and general audience.
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