Bollywood actor Karisma Kapoor has confirmed the news of her comeback through the remake of Amitabh Bachchan’s 1982 hit, ‘Satte Pe Satta’. The film stars Sanjay Dutt and Karisma in the lead.
Karisma will play the role of yesteryear actor, Hema Malini and Sanjay Dutt will step in the shoes of megastar, Amitabh Bachchan. Rohan Sippy will be directing whereas Sanjay Dutt will be producing the upcoming remake of the film.
Madhuri Dixit, Vidya Balan and Aishwarya Rai Bachchan were in the league for the role portrayed by Hema in the original, but finally it was Lolo who got selected.
Karisma officially announced to be the part of the remake at an event where the actor turned investor for an online store, ’Baby Oye’. It is an online store for Baby and mother care products. Lolo, too, being a mother of two kids was keen to become the part of company.
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