The debut direction of Santhu for Benkosri Productions BK Srinivas ‘Alemari’ meaning wanderer has completed shooting at Mysore lamps. In the set erected actor Yogish and dancers took part in the song and in the middle of song shooting producer BK Srinivas birthday was celebrated by the team members at the final day shooting.
It was the hero introduction song shot on Yogish with black costume dancers. Yogish had a different hairstyle for this song. The gang war is part of this song that explains the mood of the hero in the coming reels.
At last the ‘Aledhata’ (another meaning for ‘Alemari’) has come to an end says producer BK Srinivas who celebrated the birthday on the final day of shooting of the film.
‘Alemari’ starring the two state award winning actors Radhika Pandit and Yogish is special for many new attempts in the shooting. Actor Yogish fixed the baby nipples in his nostrils and appeared for a few scenes. It was the risky part of the film for Yogish as breathing was from mouth.
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