Bollywood superstar Aamir Khan hogged negative publicity when his production ‘Delhi Belly’ made waves for its adult content. The film had high adult content in form of sexual jokes, double meaning lines, vulgar and abusive dialogues that made it the most controversial film of the year. However the film regardless of all the talked about content raked in huge moolah and was declared a super success. But as it was ‘A’ rated and so it was very difficult for the film to be screened on television.
Hence the team decided that they will re-edit, re-dub and crop a considerable amount of the film so that it can qualify to be screened on
the social medium like television. Nevertheless the film has not passed the censor board’s scrutiny and has been rejected by the board. The board suggested some 17-18 cuts in the film and the demands were met, yet the film was not able to convince the board. Censor has rejected to give the film a clean chit and hence Aamir’s desire to screen the film on screen seems to be far from coming true.
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