Super Star Rajinikanth’s super duper hit Dalapathi directed by creative director Mani Ratnam is soon going to be remade in Hindi. It is learnt that mega producer Bharath Shah has brought the remake rights for an undisclosed amount from its makers. The film will have Sunil Shetty in the lead role. Pooja Jitender Bedi is going to wield the megaphone for this action entertainer. She is currently directing a Bollywood film titled Ghost. This film will go on to the floors in April 2012.
The film released in 1991 is a super hit at box-office. The film also has Malayalam Super Star Mammootty, Shobana, Arvind Swamy, Amrish Puri, Bhanupriya, Srividya, etc in pivotal roles. Maestro Ilayaraja has scored music for this classic.
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