Actor, Tusshar Kapoor is celebrated his 35th Birthday yesterday. The actor is awaiting the release of his upcoming film, 'The Dirty Picture' and received all ‘dirty’ wishes from his friends. Ritesh Deshmukh, his co-star of 'Kya Superkool Hai Hum' tweeted - 'A super duper birthday -happiness-prosperity and a big 'Dirty' success. Another co-star Amrita Rao tweeted,' I wish my witty humored co-star 'Dirty' successful year ahead. Other actors who wished Tushar were Abhishek Bachchan and Sophie Chaudhary.
Currently, the Birthday boy is busy promoting his movie, 'The Dirty Picture' with co-stars Vidya Balan and Emraan Hashmi. Tushar will also be seen sharing intimate scenes with Vidya Balan in the film. Tushar admits 'The Dirty Picture' to be a special film as it been produced by his sister Ekta Kapoor and also the role he will be playing in the film is quiet challenging and different for him.
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