While the drama spinning show ‘Bigg Boss’ makes big waves and stirs controversies with every drop of hat, Bollywood superstar Akshay Kumar is truly inspired by this enigmatic world of reality shows. It is believed that Akshay Kumar is totally impressed and attracted by this world of reality shows and has planned to make an extravagant film on this subject. Apparently Akshay Kumar will produce this film which will be a suspense thriller and will have a plot similar to the famous reality show ‘Bigg Boss’. Reportedly the film like ‘Bigg Boss’ will show 13-14 people under house arrest and suddenly a crime is committed in the house. After the crime is exposed every other participant becomes a suspect and how the mystery unfolds further. It is heard that the story is already in its pipeline as the writers have started scripting it already. Akshay is expected to make the official announcement very soon.
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