Bollywood’s latest film ‘Love Breakups Zindagi’ is the brain child of Zayed Khan and Dia Mirza who are not only co-starring in the film but also are turning producer with this one. Zayed and Dia’s maiden production film ‘Love Breakups Zindagi’ has garnered too much of starry attention since its inception. It was confirmed in past that Shah Rukh Khan has added star power to the film by doing a small cameo for LBZ. Dia and Zayed who are in good terms with SRK asked him for a cameo in their film and SRK being a dutiful friend agreed to do the same. But now their other Bollywood friends are busy spreading the word about the film. Recently Salman Khan and Riteish Deshmukh tried to promote the film by posting a link of film’s first look on their respective twitter page.
Salman just simply posted the link and the name of the film as a tweet, ‘ love Breakups Zindagi’. While Riteish Deshmukh was generous enough to add few words to the link, ‘Love Break ups Zindagi - Do watch it- congratulations to my friends Zayed- Dia & Sahil- way to go guys- slice of life’. With so much of love showered on their film as well as Dia and Zayed we hope it garners the required attention and momentum for its release.
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