Death of his grand uncle Shammi Kapoor has left Ranbir Kapoor with a vacuum in his life. Ranbir Kapoor who was last seen at the funeral of his grand uncle is lying low these days as he is still to come to terms with the sudden loss. Ranbir was not as close to his grand uncle Shammi than the way he is close to his uncle Rajiv Kapoor. But he managed to break the ice while the two shot together for his film ‘Rockstar’ in which Shammi Kapoor has a short cameo. Ranbir Kapoor grew close to Shammi Kapoor while shooting for ‘Rockstar’ and it was then that Ranbir Kapoor discovered that he had too much in common to share with his royal grand uncle. After hearing the news of his death it is believed that Ranbir wept like a small kid and was inconsolable. He suddenly felt a vacuum in his life that can be no longer filled. However he is now happy that he developed a bond with him before his death and has moments captured that will be cherished forever.
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