RK is now starring in the movie of “Puli Vesham” will release on August 26. Earlier he did the projects of ‘Ellam Avan Seyal' and 'Azhagarmalai' as an action hero. In “Puli Vesham” he is going to play a commercial role.
Puli Vesham is Directed by P.Vasu, the commercial movie maker. Srikanth Deva is composing Music. Aar Kay Worlds is Producing. Sadha Plays as a Heroine.
There was a talk about RK in the Kollywood that, RK forced some youngsters to do marketing jobs to sell properties on ECR and salary was not given for two months and a police case filed against him by them that RK cheated them.
RK refused that by saying like this, "I have no connection with the allegation against me. I own a property on the East Coast Road and a man approached me saying that he has a marketing team and would sell the land. I only agreed to his offer."
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