Once again a non Kannadiga is striking in Shivarajakumar prominent film ‘Jogaiah’ as heroine. It was Jennifer Kotwal five years ago in ‘Jogi’ the Gujarati heroine. Jennifer Kotwal living today just because of that fabulous hit. The song Chukubuku Railu…..in ‘Jogi’ is a very fond song among the children that star Jennifer Kotwal.
Now a Punbaji Sumit Kaur Atwal, a model turned actress born to Punjabi parents, Sumit loves jazz and athletics and is also active in student politics. Her father, who went to Holland 25 years ago, runs a company supplying cleaners to multi-nationals and also works as an interpreter with the Dutch police, and so it is hardly surprising that Sumit can speak five languages.
Sumit knows dancing, painting, sketching, photography etc. Ambition is to continue growing in these areas and allow life to create the branches towards destination.
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