Dookudu movie audio songs were launched few hours ago at Shilpakalavedika amidst hundreds of Mahesh Babu fans. This launch was attended by Dookudu film unit and was done in a simple yet striking manner. Usually Mahesh is against celebrating public functions for audio release. Dookudu is something special for the fans in this way too.
Mahesh Babu said that “Thaman has given the best music for this film. I know him since he was assistant to Mani Sharma and he is still the same. Srinu Vylta has literally put blood into this film. He worked so hard that he took away all the pressure of from me and it was like a picnic for me. The producers of this film are the most efficient producers I have ever worked with. Samantha is a dedicated actress.”
Srinu Vytla told that Mahesh Babu is responsible for the terrific output of Dookudu. He admitted that he took more time to shoot this film but added that it is worth it.
Samantha said that she is a big fan of Mahesh and is waiting for this film to release like many of his fans.
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