The long term love affair between deepika padukone and Ranbhir Kapoor is famous all over India. When her love for RK was at the peak, the sexy heroine got her self pierced with a tattoo of RK on her neck which became most popular later on as most of the times, media kept major attention on the neck of Dips.
Irked by this constant media attention even after her break up with Ranbhir, she has decided to get rid of RK tattoo as it is getting annoyed day by day. Deepika was most of the time positive about that tattoo and even in a recent chat show specified that she will never remove the tattoo as it didn’t bother her current beau Siddhartha Malya.
Now, Deepika has got a second thought and she has decided to go for a small surgery to get the tattoo removed for ever from her body. Well, we might see ‘RK’ replaced ‘SM’ that is ‘Siddharth Malya.’
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