Rajinikanth’s daughter Aishwarya’s maiden directorial venture ‘3’ with Dhanush as hero is on search for heroine since some time. Earlier they have approached shruthi hasan for dates but due to busy schedules, the pretty lady rejected replacing with Amala Paul of ‘Nanna’ fame.
Now, Amala has apparently opted to stay out because of date issues. ‘Yes, Shruti has been roped in to play the lead opposite Dhanush. Amala had given us bulk dates but one of her ongoing projects got delayed. We are not in a position to delay our schedule for her as it will delay the entire shooting of the film. So, we have parted ways amicably,’ said Aishwarya who felt that this role is tailor made for Shruthi.
It is also rumored that Amala has taken advance remuneration for ‘3’ but not signed the agreement. Meanwhile, she signed Naga Chaitanya’s film ‘Bezawada Rowdeelu’ and the end result was a clash of dates and egos resulting in Shruthi getting her offer back. Aishwarya will start shooting shruthi hasan’s portions from September and wrap then soon so that she can go ahead with her Telugu projects without any delay.
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