Salman Khan, just a couple of weeks was reported to shoot with a real tiger for his brother Sohails Khan’s production ‘Sher Khan’, but unfortunate enough for his fans, this stunt is not happening. Sohail Khan has been issued a notice by People For Ethical Treatment Of Animals (PETA) warning him that if he shoots with a real tiger, he will have to face legal hassles.
However, Sohail says that the script of his film is not yet complete and on such an initial stage PETA should not react on the matter. The organization works for the betterment for animals and is against using them for films so that they do not get hurt in the process.
However, in many films, many animals have been used with special permissions, but off late, PETA has got really stringent on its guidelines. Salman was supposed to shoot with ‘Sher Khan’ in Chandigarh and plans have all gone kaput.
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